The third grade students have been working very hard these past couple of weeks and they deserve a much need break! We have continued learning strategies around addition and subtraction in math and will move onto multiplication after the break. We have talked about themes of different books and have learned more about what it means to accept others even if they are different than you. The students began their informational writing unit and we have chosen topics that we are experts at and have begun to think of facts that we know about our topics. Ask your child what topic they could teach you about! We wrapped up our solar system unit today and the third grades created a model of a planet in groups. Take a look at their hard work!

planetplanet 2







Reports cards were sent home today. If you have any questions about the SBAC piece, please feel free to contact the office or myself for more information. I will not be holding parents conferences on Monday and Tuesday as Mrs. Schroeder already had them with families before she left.

planet 3Have a wonderful break!

Ms. McNally